Medicines that are unused and thrown away cost the NHS £300 million of tax payers’ money every year.
£300 million pounds of tax payers’ could be reinvested in our NHS by preventing medicines waste.
Everyone has a part to play to reduce the waste of medicines. How can you help?
If everyone makes small changes then together we can make a massive difference to reducing medicines waste and looking after our NHS.
Did you know medicines cannot be re-used once they have left the pharmacy?
Check your prescription bag and return any unwanted medicines back to the pharmacist whilst you’re still inside the pharmacy.
Having regular discussions with your pharmacist and GP will mean you get the right help with taking your medicines.
If your community pharmacy orders your prescription on your behalf, make sure that they know what medicines you require each month.
Speak to your pharmacist about booking a medicines use review, to discuss getting the most from your prescription medicines.
You do not need to make an appointment to see the pharmacist, just pop in and they will help you and answer any questions.
Speak to your GP practice if your repeat prescription needs updating. Never order medicines that you no longer require.
Check what medicines you have already at home before you re-order more.
Did you know that if you don’t order a medicine, it will still appear on your repeat prescription next time?
Remember, don’t request more medicines unless you have less than two weeks’ supply in your medicine cupboard.