Online Registration With The Practice
Click on icon to instantly register online. Please note registrations will only be accepted for patients who reside within our catchment area. (Upminster and Cranham only)

When you register you will also be asked to fill out a medical questionnaire. This is because it can take a considerable time for us to receive your medical records. There is an online version of this file too, which you may fill out and send to us. When you come to the surgery you will be asked to sign this form to confirm that the details are correct.
Online Medical Questionnaire For New Patients
Note that by sending the form you will be transmitting information about your self across the Internet and although every effort is made to keep this information secure, no guarantee can be offered in this respect.
Alternatively if you are unable to register online pop in to the surgery and pick up a new patient registration form and online medication questionnaire for each new patient wishing to register. Fill these both out and bring it back with photo ID and a proof of address (bank statement/utility/council tax bill etc.) for each person registering. For children under 16 you must bring in their red book and/or any other immunisation history records.
We acknowledge that certain patients e.g. traveller communities, asylum seekers or those in sheltered housing etc... may not be able to produce photo ID and proof of address. Everyone in the UK has the right to free care from a GP. If you don’t have proof of ID or address, you can still register. Immigration status or nationality don’t matter -reception won’t ask for immigration documents and won’t share your information with the Home Office unless serious crime is involved.
Haiderian Medical Centre is proud to be a safe surgery, working in partnership with Doctors of the World UK, we will ensure that our practice offers a welcoming space for everyone who seeks to use our services. Mindful of our duties to uphold equality and human rights law, we will implement patient registration policies which do not discriminate based on race, gender, sexual orientation, immigration status or any other characteristic.
It will take a few working days to register after which you will need to book a new patient health check with the practice nurse, please bring any medications you are taking to this appointment.
Your records will usually arrive 8-12 weeks after registration or if your previous GP has the relevant software we will receive a computer summary electronically within a few weeks.
Medical treatment is available from the date of registration completion. Please contact reception for further information.